What Exactly Is An ADU?

What Exactly Is An ADU?

Accessory Dwelling Units explained

Accessory Dwelling Units are a popular housing option in cities like Los Angeles. They are a secondary housing unit with its own kitchen and bathroom that shares the lot of the primary property. ADUs can be newly constructed, added on, or converted from existing spaces. They can also be attached to a house or garage, or they can be built as stand-alone units.

The flexibility of ADUs allows homeowners to create additional living spaces on their property, providing opportunities for multigenerational living, rental income, or simply more space for the homeowner's own use, such as an office space. They offer a versatile solution for expanding living options on a property.

Building an ADU can allow homeowners to better utilize their property while potentially generating additional income.

Deciding If an ADU Is Right for You

When deciding whether to build an ADU, the first consideration is zoning regulations - make sure to check whether you are allowed to build an ADU on your property. ADU regulations are constantly evolving as cities try to make them more widely accessible. Recent changes have aimed to streamline the permitting process and reduce construction costs.

Next you need to consider whether you have enough physical space on your property. ADUs can be as small as 300 Sq Ft studios, but you need room for the unit itself plus outdoor space for both the ADU resident and yourself.

It's also important to think about your intention - will you live in the ADU and rent out the main house or vice versa? An ADU can be used as a guest house or can be a great option for a family member, allowing everyone to live together while still having their own separate spaces.

The cost of building an ADU can vary depending on the design and materials used. Additionally, adding an ADU to a property may increase the homeowner's tax bill, potentially reducing the rental income earned from the unit. However, building an ADU can provide homeowners with a passive income stream and potential tax benefits. Ultimately, the cost of building an ADU should be weighed against the potential upfront costs, tax implications, and the potential increase in home value.

Design Tips

ADUs can serve a variety of purposes so think about the main use of the space when considering the design. Well-designed ADUs feel spacious and luxurious despite their small size. Strategies include using clearstory windows for an airy, open feel and minimizing walls to blend indoor/outdoor space. Built-in storage and high-end finishes also go a long way.

Consider designing your ADU with sustainable features such as solar panels and rainwater harvesting systems, promoting environmental responsibility.

The ADU Building Process

Constructing an ADU can be a fun, rewarding DIY project. You get to build something new from the ground up and make custom design decisions along the way. Building an ADU allows you to rethink and reimagine how you live.

Make sure you hire a knowledgeable contractor and look for someone who has experience in building ADUs. Ensure that you get full cost estimates up front too.


Building an Accessory Dwelling Unit gives homeowners flexible living options while increasing housing availability amidst California’s supply shortage.

ADUs present an exciting opportunity to create custom residential spaces that work for your lifestyle. From deciding if it's right for you to design elements to the rewarding build, constructing an ADU can completely transform your living situation.


Get in touch if you're interested in finding properties where you could build an ADU, or for properties with an existing ADU. I can also introduce you to great contractors who can help with the building process.


TL;DR (The 'Too Long; Didn't Read' Summary):

  • ADUs, or Accessory Dwelling Units, are a popular housing option in cities like Los Angeles.
  • They provide more affordable housing options and allow homeowners to better utilize their property.
  • Considerations for building an ADU include city and county zoning regulations, having enough physical space and deciding on living arrangements.
  • Well-designed ADUs feel spacious and luxurious despite their small size.



What Exactly Is An ADU?
What Exactly Is An ADU?
What Exactly Is An ADU?

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With an authentic love for meeting new people and building meaningful connections, Bianca readily makes herself available to problem-solve with clients as they work towards achieving their real estate goals.

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